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A member registered Feb 21, 2022

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(1 edit)

Would like to add on a bit, I got into python because I saw your code and was like “oh my gawd what does that mean” and decided to code, and referred to some bits of your code to help with mine

your clear() function is so useful! I’m also speedrunning the game  to see how many minutes I can beat it in 

(1 edit)

The true ending doesn’t seem to work for my device. Why is that the case? (Yes I looked at the walkthrough)

edit: 8 months later and it spontaneously decided work on my device again, wow Nevyn has some deep lore

I tried 20 mins for that I got no tips

Asking same thing

Never thought I'd be able to self-learn python  with a TF game to such an extent I got selected into our school's infocomm team. Oh well. Thanks